

Website Cookie Changes for 2024

  WHAT ARE INTERNET COOKIES? Internet cookies are tiny files of data used to track your online activities and information when you’re browsing a website. That collected data is then stored in your browser.   WHY ARE COOKIES IMPORTANT? The main purpose of cookies is to collect important user and behavioural data to help personalise a visitor’s experience as well as enable developers to improve website browsing.   COOKIE DEVELOPMENTS IN A NUTSHELL… GDPR has significantly impacted the way website cookies are used and managed. With its emphasis on data privacy and user consent, GDPR has brought about a shift in how websites collect and store information through cookies. Owners […]

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The Fuse Plan

  WHY CHOOSE THE FUSE PLAN? The Fuse Plan is just like a Patient Membership Plan but for dental websites. Dentists and orthodontists can now pay for an all-in-one package solution each month knowing their dental practice website is health checked and compliant.   SAVE £100’S EVERY YEAR The Fuse Plan by design4dentists can save you hundreds of pounds every year by avoiding emergency website failures and fixes. This great monthly plan will give you peace of mind knowing that your website is looked after regularly and operating as it should.   WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE FUSE PLAN? The basic package must have the following essential facilities to ensure your […]

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Making Website Enquiry Forms GDPR Compliant

  WEBSITE ENQUIRY FORMS – WHERE DO THEY GO? Have you ever wondered who is actually reading the website enquiry forms you fill in? Sometimes they ask for very personal information and before you know it, you are being bombarded with emails, newsletters and junk mail. It’s not until much later on that you realise your details have been passed onto a third party. Plus we generally do not even stop to think how our details are stored or what happens to them. Find out how you can protect your patient’s data and reassure them that their details are kept safe at your dental practice.   DOES IT AFFECT YOUR DENTAL WEBSITE? The answer […]

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Privacy Policies For Dental Websites

  GDPR PRIVACY POLICY REQUIREMENTS Privacy Policies are part of the General Data Protection Regulation and your website must include these in order for your dental practice to comply. Privacy Policies are different from your standard Policies and Procedures where you may inform patients about complaints, violent behaviour or missed appointments. These could be displayed in various places around your website but it would be wise to include a dedicated section to highlight three key requirements which I have listed below.   WHAT SHOULD PRIVACY POLICIES INCLUDE? General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR as it is more commonly know as, requires you to make sure you have the right privacy policies in place in order to […]

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Secure Website Hosting

  IS YOUR DENTAL WEBSITE NON-SECURE? Would you enter a website which highlights in-secure notices? You would probably be alarmed and click away very quickly just in case it harmed your PC or generated a virus. With secure website hosting this would not happen and not only would you be protecting your website, but your patients too. So why is it important to be aware of this and how will it affect your website and your patients? Read on…   INTERNET BROWSERS ARE CHANGING With GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) affecting all businesses in the UK as well as multi-national organisations across the globe, websites and companies which provide online […]

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Dental Website Cookie Law

  DOES YOUR COOKIE LAW PROTECT YOU? There are many online cookie facilities and tracking solutions available on the internet but it is important to ensure they comply with GDPR. Information about data that is recorded and the purpose of cookies need to be clearly specified on your website. All consents must be recorded as evidence that consent has been given and for those users who ignore the cookie law you want to make sure you are still protected.   THE PREMIUM COOKIE PLAN The new Premium Cookie law plan design4dentists are offering dental practice websites include solutions that conform with General Data Protection Regulations. Using a cloud based system, […]

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GDPR For Dental Websites

  GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION Are you prepared? On 25th May 2018 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will come into force. It will affect all businesses in UK and not just dental practices. Sole practitioners and company directors will need to find out what is involved and how they need to adapt to ensure their businesses comply with GDPR. Failure to make sure the necessary procedures and practices are in place may result in a hefty fine which could be around 4% of your annual turnover.   GDPR FOR YOUR DENTAL WEBSITE At design4dentists we host and create all kinds of dental websites and all of these will be affected by the new […]

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