

Website Cookie Changes for 2024

  WHAT ARE INTERNET COOKIES? Internet cookies are tiny files of data used to track your online activities and information when you’re browsing a website. That collected data is then stored in your browser.   WHY ARE COOKIES IMPORTANT? The main purpose of cookies is to collect important user and behavioural data to help personalise a visitor’s experience as well as enable developers to improve website browsing.   COOKIE DEVELOPMENTS IN A NUTSHELL… GDPR has significantly impacted the way website cookies are used and managed. With its emphasis on data privacy and user consent, GDPR has brought about a shift in how websites collect and store information through cookies. Owners […]

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Facial Aesthetic Website Checklist

The form below is a simple facial aesthetic website checklist created by design4dentists. It will help us to calculate an approximate fee for a bespoke website package. Please include all the treatments you provide. There are extra areas to include any other potential new treatments or services that are not specified on the lists below. Once we have this information we will send you an estimated cost for design and production. We may also ring you to clarify any particular details. Please also ensure you fill out all your contact details too.   DENTAL BRANDING & MARKETING For more information call Alex Nicolaou on 01923 609770 to find out about […]

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Preparing For Your Photoshoot

  A FEW TIPS BEFORE THE DAY… Thank you for booking your photoshoot with design4dentists. In order for the day to run as smoothly as possible, here are a few tips to prepare the staff and practice before I arrive. After all, we want to ensure your practice looks as good as possible in the photos.   1. FLOWERS Flowers are a great prop as they create colour, brighten up rooms and add a softer texture to the photos making your clinic feel warmer and friendlier. They are also very useful as we can use them to hide any unsightly fixtures such as hanging wires, plug sockets or conduits. If […]

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Specialist Dentist Profile Form

Please write as much as you can about yourself. For example, where you studied, your experience and professional background, areas of expertise or specialism etc. List the treatment types or services you carry out and equipment or products used. You can also include awards achieved, certain case studies and glowing testimonials written about you.   WHAT’S NEXT? Click back to Content For Your Website > ——————————————————————————————-   WHO AM I? Alex Nicolaou is a Brand Designer and Advertising Strategist who partners with company directors, dentists, specialists and entrepreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands. Having 20 years experience in dental marketing and a total of 30 years designing and advertising […]

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Dental Implant Profile Form

Please write as much as you can about yourself. For example, where you studied, your experience and professional background, areas of expertise or specialism etc. List the treatment types or services you carry out and equipment or products used. You can also include awards achieved, certain case studies and glowing testimonials written about you.   WHAT’S NEXT? Click back to Content For Your Website > ——————————————————————————————-   WHO AM I? Alex Nicolaou is a Brand Designer and Advertising Strategist who partners with company directors, dentists, specialists and entrepreneurs to grow their personal and professional brands. Having 20 years experience in dental marketing and a total of 30 years designing and advertising […]

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Your Orthodontic Website Checklist

The form below is a simple orthodontic website checklist created by design4dentists. It will help us to calculate an approximate fee for a bespoke website package. If you are an NHS or mixed dental practice you must include all the treatments you provide. There are extra areas to include any other treatments or services that are not specified on the form below. The separate section service/treatment listings can be created into individual pages if they are to contain a significant amount of information. Alternatively minimal information (such as a paragraph of text) can be included on a single section page. Once we have this information we will send you an […]

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Dentist & Staff Standard Profile Form

This form is to be filled out by all dentists, hygienists and specialists of the team who work at your practice. Please distribute the shortened link below to each key team member. In accordance with GDC guidelines, it is essential for your practice website to display the full name, qualification (and where those qualifications were derived) and GDC number of all registered practitioners. Please copy and paste this link into an email to send to another member of staff. https://tinyurl.com/y3b4wlk9 Please write as much as you can about yourself. For example, where you studied, your experience and professional background, areas of expertise or specialism, how long you have been working […]

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Opal Website Checklist

The form below is a simple dental website checklist. It will help us to manage the project to keep it on budget and to include the necessary content. If you are an NHS or mixed dental practice you must include all the treatments you provide. There are also extra fields to include any other treatments or services that are not specified on the lists below. Once we have this information we will email you to confirm receipt or we may call you to clarify any particular points. Please ensure you fill out all your contact details.   DENTAL BRANDING & MARKETING For more information call Alex Nicolaou on 01923 609770 […]

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Facial Aesthetician Profile

This form is to be filled out by facial aestheticians who work at your practice. Please distribute the shortened link below to each key team member. In accordance with GDC guidelines, it is essential for your practice website to display the full name, qualification (and where those qualifications were derived) and GDC number of all registered staff members. Please copy and paste this link into an email to send to another member of staff. https://tinyurl.com/y5wgcm94 Please write as much as you can about yourself. For example, where you studied, your experience and professional background, areas of expertise or specialism, how long you have been working at the practice etc. List […]

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Dental Nurses & Support Staff Profiles

This form is to be filled out by all nurses, assistants, managers, receptionists and support staff of the team who work at your practice. Please distribute the shortened link below to each key team member. In accordance with GDC guidelines, it is essential for your practice website to display the full name, qualification (and where those qualifications were derived) and GDC number of all registered staff members. Please copy and paste this link into an email to send to another member of staff. https://tinyurl.com/yx8wodpa Please write as much as you can about yourself. For example, where you studied, your experience and professional background, areas of expertise or specialism, how long […]

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